Artlabeling Activity Curves and Regions of the Vertebral Column

Vertebral column (spine)

The vertebral cavalcade (spine or backbone) is a curved structure composed of bony vertebrae that are interconnected by cartilaginous intervertebral discs. It is part of the axial skeleton and extends from the base of the skull to the tip of the coccyx. The spinal cord runs through its middle. The vertebral column is divided into v regions and consists of 33 vertebrae interlaced by potent joints and ligaments.

Although the spine tin can exist a pain in the back, information technology's function is very of import. Thank you to the spine, you can twist, bend and sway your trunk in most any direction. Your vertebral cavalcade likewise protects your fragile spinal cord and helps support the weight of the upper body. Therefore, it'due south important to take good intendance of it and maintain a skilful posture at all times!

Fundamental facts near the vertebral column
Regions Cervical, Thoracic, Lumbar, Sacral, Coccygeal
Mnemonic: Can This Fiftyittle Due southervant Cook?
Typical vertebra Vertebral body, vertebral curvation (pedicles, lamina), vertebral processes (spinous, transverse, articular)
Joints Intervertebral discs, uncovertebral, zygapophysial (facet), craniovertebral (atlanto-occipital, atlanto-axial), costovertebral, sacroiliac
Ligaments Longitudinal (anterior, posterior), ligamenta flava, interspinous, supraspinous, nuchal, alar, cruciate ligament of atlas, costotransverse, ligaments of head of rib (intra-articular, radiate)
Curvatures Cervical lordosis, thoracic kyphosis, lumbar lordosis, sacral kyphosis
Movements Flexion, extension, lateral flexion, lateral extension, rotation
Vasculature Segmental arteries and vertebral venous plexus (internal, external)
Nerves Meningeal branches of spinal nerves

In this commodity we'll explore the anatomy and functions of the vertebral cavalcade.


  1. Vertebrae
    1. Typical vertebra
    2. Cervical vertebrae
    3. Thoracic vertebrae
    4. Lumbar vertebrae
    5. Sacrum
    6. Coccyx
  2. Joints and ligaments
    1. Joints of the vertebral bodies
    2. Joints of the vertebral arches
    3. Craniovertebral joints
    4. Costovertebral joints
    5. Sacroiliac joints
  3. Spine curvature and movements
  4. Nerves and vasculature
  5. Sources

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The spine, vertebral cavalcade, or backbone is defined as the bony structure that runs from the inferior attribute of the occipital bone of the skull to the tip of the coccyx. However, the spinal string is the tubular nervous tissue that travels through the vertebral canal of the vertebral column.

Spine diagram

How many vertebrae exercise we have? The vertebral cavalcade consists of 33 vertebrae in full, divided as follows:

  • Cervical vertebrae (7)
  • Thoracic vertebrae (12)
  • Lumbar vertebrae (5)
  • Sacrum (5 fused)
  • Coccyx (3-iv fused)

Mnemonic: A super uncomplicated way to recollect the five regions of the vertebral column is to apply the mnemonic 'Can This 50ittle Southervant Cook?'

Typical vertebra

No two vertebrae are identical. They vary in size and characteristics, especially from ane region to the side by side. Still, they all have the following basic structure:

  • Vertebral body - the large cylindrical part located anteriorly that gives strength to the spine. They are involved in weight bearing. Their size increases as one descends downward the vertebral column. Side by side vertebral bodies are separated past intervertebral discs.
  • Vertebral arch - the structure located posterior to the body. It consists of two pedicles and ii laminae. The pedicles contain vertebral notches (superior, inferior) which class intervertebral foramina. These facilitate the passage of spinal fretfulness from the spinal string. The pedicles, laminae, and body of each vertebra form a crenel (vertebral foramen). The vertebral canal is the space throughout the spinal cavalcade that is enclosed past the vertebral foramina.
  • Vertebral processes - in that location are vii in total all projecting from the vertebral arch: i spinous process (posteroinferior), two transverse processes (posterolateral), and iv articular processes. The latter contain articular facets. The vertebral processes serve as zipper points for ligaments and back muscles. They as well take office in joint germination.
Features of a typical vertebra

Cervical vertebrae

The 7 cervical vertebrae grade the cervical spine of the cervix. They are located between the skull and the thoracic vertebrae and have the smallest and thinnest intervertebral discs. However, they are the near mobile in the entire vertebral cavalcade. In add-on, cervical vertebrae have distinctive features like transverse foramina, two tubercles (anterior, posterior) and split (bifid) spinous processes. Here's an illustration depicting the cervical spine anatomy.

Atlas (C1), axis (C2), and cervical vertebrae - Diagram

Iii cervical vertebrae are atypical. The atlas (C1) consists of 2 arches (anterior, posterior) and contains two lateral masses. The masses articulate with the occipital condyles of the skull, supporting its weight. The axis (C2) contains an upwards tooth-like project (dens or odontoid procedure) and two superior articular facets. These facilitate articulation with the atlas and caput rotation. Vertebra prominens (C7) has the longest spinous process. Information technology's the bony point sticking out the almost at the back of your neck. The remaining cervical vertebrae (C3-C6) are typical.

Acquire more than most the vertebral cavalcade with our interactive spine quizzes and labeling activities.

More data and distinctive features of the cervical vertebrae are included in the following resources:

Thoracic vertebrae

The twelve thoracic vertebrae form the 2nd region of the vertebral column, the thoracic spine (upper back). They play a role in forming the thoracic cage. Thoracic vertebrae contain several distinctive features: costal facets that articulate with the ribs, center shaped vertebral bodies, smaller vertebral foramina, and long and strong spinous and transverse processes which betoken inferiorly. The first four (T1-T4) and last iv (T9-T12) thoracic vertebrae share some characteristics with the cervical and lumbar spine, respectively. The centre four (T5-T8) are typical thoracic vertebrae. The vertebral bodies comprise thicker discs compared to the cervical spine.

Practise you desire to notice out what characteristics gear up the thoracic vertebrae apart? Main thoracic spine anatomy using the following video tutorial.

Lumbar vertebrae

The five lumbar vertebrae form the lumbar spine (lower back). They have the largest vertebral bodies in the unabridged vertebral cavalcade, a characteristic that facilitates weight begetting. The pedicles and laminae are thick and stiff. Their spinous processes are curt and sturdy for the attachment of stiff lumbar muscles. The articular processes are oriented differently compared to other types of vertebrae. The lumbar spine likewise contains accessory and mammillary processes. L5 is the largest vertebra of the entire human body – it supports and transmits body weight to the base of the sacrum. The spinal cord terminates as the conus medullaris (medullary cone) at the level of the L1/L2 vertebra.

Lumbar spine anatomy is not too difficult to learn due to the typical structure of the vertebrae. Learn more nigh them below:


The sacrum consists of five sacral vertebrae fused together. It is located between the lumbar spine (lumbosacral bending) and the coccyx and forms part of the pelvis. Its principal role is to transmit the entire weight of the upper body to the pelvis in order to reach the lower limbs.

Sacrum: diagram

The sacrum has a base, an apex, and three surfaces (pelvic, posterior, lateral). Within its middle is the sacral canal which is the continuation of the spinal culvert. The sacral canal contains the cauda equina of the spinal cord. Sacral foramina (anterior, posterior) let for the exit of the spinal fretfulness. The sacral crests (median, intermediate, lateral) stand for the fused processes of the sacral vertebrae.


Recall dorsum to the final time you roughshod on your gluteus maximus. It's 1 of the few times when you lot become aware of your tailbone but because it was so incredibly painful. The tailbone (coccyx) articulates with the sacrum and consists of three to four fused coccygeal vertebrae. It has two surfaces (pelvic, posterior), curt transverse processes, and coccygeal cornua. The coccyx is a bespeak of attachment for the gluteus maximus and coccygeal muscles. The filum terminale of the spinal cord stops at the level of the beginning coccygeal vertebra (Co1).

Consummate your knowledge of spine anatomy by tackling the following resources almost the coccyx and sacrum. Nosotros also take clinical cases on pathologies affecting the vertebral column, such equally radiculopathy and spondylolisthesis.

Joints and ligaments

Joints of the vertebral bodies

After learning about individual vertebrae, it's time to explore how the vertebral cavalcade is kept together as a unit. Next vertebral bodies are joined past symphyses called intervertebral symphyses (discs). The exceptions are C1-C2 and after S2, where such symphyses do not be. Intervertebral discs are equanimous of a fibrous outer band (annulus fibrosus) that surrounds a gelatinous nucleus (nucleus pulposus). Their role is to serve as daze absorbers, foreclose friction and permit a modest degree of flexibility between vertebrae. The lumbar spine is the most susceptible to disc herniations due to its location and pregnant involvement in weight bearing. The vertebral bodies of the cervical vertebrae are as well interconnected by uncovertebral joints (clefts of Luschka).

The vertebral bodies and intervertebral discs are reinforced past two fibrous, longitudinal ligaments. The inductive longitudinal ligament extends along the exterior, anterolateral aspect of the vertebral bodies from the base of the skull to the sacrum. Its role is to limit extension and preclude hyperflexion of the spine. The posterior longitudinal ligament runs within the vertebral culvert along the posterior surface of the vertebral bodies, from C2 to the sacrum. Its master part is to prevent posterior herniation of the intervertebral discs.

Joints of the vertebral arches

Next vertebral arches are connected by synovial joints called zygapophysial (facet) joints. They are formed between superior and inferior articular facets. These joints facilitate flexion and extension in the cervical and thoracic spines. They as well let rotational movements in the thoracic spine.

The vertebral arches are strengthened by several accessory ligaments:

  • Ligamenta flava - connecting next laminae. They forbid separation of the lamina during sudden flexion of the vertebral column.
  • Interspinous ligaments - bring together spinous procedure of nearby vertebrae.
  • Nuchal ligament - extends from the skull (occipital protruberance) to the spinous processes of C7 where information technology merges with the supraspinous ligament.
  • Supraspinous ligament - a long band that connects the tips of the spinous processes.

Craniovertebral joints

There are two craniovertebral (synovial) joints formed between the skull and the atypical vertebrae of the cervical spine: atlanto-occipital and atlanto-centric. The atlanto-occipital joints are formed between the lateral masses of the atlas (C1) and the occipital condyles of the cranium. They let flexion, extension, and sideways tilting of the head. Thanks to them, you can nod in approval. The atlanto-centric joints (two lateral, one median) are located betwixt the C1 and C2 vertebrae. They facilitate a pivot move of the head equally in during a disapproving shake.

Craniovertebral joints and ligaments: Diagram

Several membranes and ligaments also connect the atlas, axis, and skull. The atlanto-occipital membrane (anterior, posterior) runs between the edges of the foramen magnum and the atlas, limiting the movement of the atlanto-occipital joints. The alar ligaments and tectorial membrane connect the axis to the occipital bone and floor of the cranial cavity, respectively. They preclude excessive rotation of the atlanto-axial joints. The cranium, atlas and axis are interconnected by the cruciate ligament of the atlas.

If you desire to find out how craniovertebral joints and ligaments allow y'all to nod and shake your caput, take a look at the following:

Costovertebral joints

The costovertebral (synovial) joints represent the connection between the thoracic vertebrae and ribs. 1 type of costovertebral joints called the joints of caput of rib (or costocorporeal joints) unite the caput of ribs with the costal facets of 2 adjacent vertebral bodies (T2-T9), one superior and one inferior. The costocorporeal joints articulate with the costal facet of a unmarried vertebra at T1, T10 and T11. They allow the ribs to rotate, ascend, and descend during breathing movements. The second blazon (costotransverse joints) forms between the rib tubercle and the transverse processes of the corresponding vertebra (T1-T10).

Costovertebral joints and ligaments: Diagram

The two joints are reinforced by three costotransverse ligaments (medial, lateral, superior). These run from the transverse processes to the cervix and tubercle of the ribs, respectively. In addition, intra-articular and radiate ligaments of caput of rib also support these joints. These extend to the sides of the vertebral bodies and the interconnecting intervertebral discs.

Sacroiliac joints

Last but not to the lowest degree, the sacrum of the vertebral column and the iliac bones are involved in forming the sacroiliac joints. They occur betwixt the corresponding auricular surfaces and tuberosities of these two bones. The sacroiliac bones permit very little mobility, beingness involved in the manual of weight from the upper to the lower body.

The stability of the sacroiliac joints is maintained by the sacro-iliac (anterior, interosseous, posterior), sacrotuberous, and sacrospinous ligaments. The latter two as well connect to the coccyx in addition to the ilium and sacrum.

Practice you want to test yourself on the anatomical structures that foreclose the vertebral cavalcade from disintegrating? Bank check out the post-obit!

Spine curvature and movements

While contortionists seem like they lack a vertebral column, the remaining humans definitely feel its capabilities and limitations. The spine is capable of the following movements: flexion (bending frontwards), extension (bending backwards), lateral flexion (right/left), lateral extension (returning to normal from lateral flexion), and rotation (twisting). All of these movements are influenced by the previously mentioned joints and ligaments and by thoracic and back muscles. Movements in the cervical and lumbar regions of the spine are freer than the thoracic and sacral ones.

The adult spine has four curvatures:

  • Cervical lordosis (posterior concavity)
  • Thoracic kyphosis (anterior concavity)
  • Lumbar lordosis
  • Sacral kyphosis

Kyphoses are main curvatures while lordoses are secondary curvatures.

Nerves and vasculature

The blood supply of the vertebral column is provided by segmental arteries. They are named posterior intercostal, subcostal, lumbar, iliolumbar, and sacral arteries in the thoracic, lumbar, and sacral regions of the spine. All originate from the aorta except those in the cervical region and the iliolumbar artery. Segmental arteries of the cervical region stalk from the vertebral and ascending cervical arteries instead and the iliolumbar artery is a co-operative of the posterior trunk of the internal iliac avenue.

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Every bit the segmental arteries follow the course of the vertebrae, they provide equatorial branches to the vertebral torso and posterior arteries to the vertebral curvation. At the level of the lamina, spinal branches travel to the intervertebral foramina to enter the vertebral culvert and supply its contents via vertebral canal arches (anterior, posterior).

Venous blood from the vertebral column is drained via spinal veins into vertebral venous plexuses (internal, external). Basivertebral veins drain the vertebral bodies into the internal vertebral venous plexus. The 2 vertebral venous plexuses empty into the intervertebral veins. In turn, these empty into the vertebral and segmental veins of the cervix and trunk.

Veins of the vertebral cavalcade: Diagram

The vertebral column is innervated by the meningeal branches of the spinal fretfulness. They divide into ascending and descending branches that supply the vertebrae, intervertebral discs, and ligaments.

Check out the following materials and acquire about the veins of the vertebral column.

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